
Jan 28, 2013

Mother-In-Law Marries Son-In-Law

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Wonders, they say, shall never cease. Mother in-law, Felistus, is reported to have married his son in-law, Juda Magarasadza, two years after the death of her daughter.

in an unprecedented move, this man, Juda and and his mother-in-law defied all social norms and got married two years after the death of the man's wife, Rozie.

Exactly two months after Rozie Gopoza died in 2008, two months later her mother, Felistus moved into her matrimonial home.

It is reported that the two then started a love relationship which culminated in them trying the knot in 2010. The wedding reception is understood to have been low key. This was a result of the two's families refusal to bless the marriage.

Both families reportedly declined to take part in wedding negotiations after the man and the mother-in-law approached them saying they wanted to solemnise their 'illicit' relationship. Despite the setback, the two would not allow anyone to flout their plans and went on to get married.

From 2010 to December last year, the two were living as husband and wife.

But things took a new dimension when the said man, juda died. However, after the man died, things took a downward trend for the mother-in-law cum-wife. Sources said the woman was barred from the funeral by her husband's relatives who vehemently told her that they did not recognise her relationship with their son.

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