
Nov 22, 2012

Kogi speaker resigns on personal grounds

Following the protracted leadership crisis that rocked the Kogi State House of Assembly for over five weeks, the speaker Alhaji Abdulahi Bello, has finally resigned his appointment.

This is coming barely two weeks that the Speaker, Benue House of Assembly, Mr David Iorhemba, also took a similar decision.

Bello has, to this effect endorsed Honourable Momoh-Jimoh Lawal as the new Speaker putting aside all options.

The Chief Whip, Salihu Saidu Akawu, a close friend of Bello and the spokesman of the group has also resigned.

Honourable Akawu was the chairman, House Committee on Information and Publicity.

Others who were previously reported to have been impeached but retained their positions were Emmanuel Omebije who retained his deputy Speaker’s seat, the majority leader, Yakubu Yunusa and the minority leader, Yori Afolabi among others went back to their seats.

At the resumed plenary session, the former Speaker, Bello, finally tendered his letter of resignation as the speaker of the state Assembly on personal grounds.

The new speaker, Honourable Lawal, thanked the members for the confidence reposed in him and for putting the crisis behind them.

According to him, “the event that led to my election today has so much threatened our unity, the unity of this assembly. It has also stressed and tested our maturity and patriotism. Everyone of us should be proud that we have come out from the storm stronger, more united and more patriotic than ever before. This has affirmed why democracy is said to be a journey and not a destination.”

While pointing out that he felt challenged and humbled by the responsibility assigned to him, he promised not to betray the trust and confidence rested on him.

He described Bello as his twin brother, noting that he would count on his wealth of experience to move the assembly to the next level; even as he commended the former and incumbent governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris and Captain Idris Wada respectively, for their immense contributions to the peaceful resolution of the crisis.

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