
May 25, 2012

'Gay World' Against Nature: Mugabe

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe said Thursday that homosexuality doesn’t belong in Zimbabwe and it violates women’s rights by denying the union of men and women needed to bear children.

Mugabe, who was speaking in Harare at the launch of the Global Power Network African Chapter which is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe, said the “gay world” goes against nature.

The conference was attended by UN human rights chief Navi Pillay, Nigerian Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala well as deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara.

After earlier remarks by Pillay referring to the criminalisation of homosexuality in some countries, Mugabe said Zimbabwe and Africa won’t recognise same-sex marriage because it leads to human “extinction.”

He said male homosexuality took away women’s traditional rights of being mothers.
Homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe, who has repeatedly described same-sex partners as “lower than dogs and pigs,” has vowed not to allow gay rights to be included in a new constitution being drafted.

“Mothers were given the talent to bear children. That talent doesn’t belong to men,” he said.
“When God created Adam … if Adam had desired a person like him it would not have made him any happier,” Mugabe said.

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