
May 25, 2012

British woman accused of having sex in back of Dubai taxi is 'fired from her job

A British businesswoman accused of having drunken sex in a taxi in Dubai has been fired.

Rebecca Blake, 29, wept after she was told to clear her desk by embarrassed bosses at recruitment firm Manpower Professional.

She spoke tearfully on her mobile phone as she left the company's headquarters, carrying a box of her belongings under her arm.

Miss Blake, from Croydon, south London, and Irish welder Conor McRedmond were arrested earlier this month after an all-day drinking binge.

The pair were held for five days and accused of having sex outside marriage and being drunk in a public place – both criminal offences in Dubai

Miss Blake, who has hired publicist Max Clifford, faces up to three years in jail if convicted. She denies the allegations.

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