
Sep 27, 2017

Saudi Arabia's King Salman announces women will FINALLY be given right to drive

Saudi Arabia's king has issued a decree that will allow women to hold driving licences for the first time.

King Salman ordered the formation of a ministerial body that will implement the rule by 2018, making the country the last in the world to give women driving licences.

Until now, Saudi Arabia was the only country to specifically forbid women from holding driving licences.
'The royal decree will implement the provisions of traffic regulations, including the issuance of driving licenses for men and women alike,' the Saudi Press Agency said.

Saudi's ambassador to the US confirmed women will not need permission from their male guardians in order to apply for a licence.

The US State Department said it welcomed the decision, calling it a 'huge step in the right direction'.

It comes after years of campaigning from within the country, and pressure from the international community.

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