
Aug 12, 2017

Halle Berry’s Old High School Classmates Are DRAGGING HER On Facebook

Halle Berry is coming under FIRE from her old High School classmates – for LYING on their alma mater.

For years, Halle has beengicing interviews where she talks about facing RACISM at her high school. But in a recent people interview – she went even further Halle told the mad that she was one of “like 3 out of 2500 students” who were black.
Well the lie detector determined that WAS A LIE. Halle’s high school – Bedford High school was 35% African American when Halle attended. Here are some of the things her CLASSMATES are saying on Facebook:

Rachel W.: “Class of ’86 here…..I didn’t know Halle personally so while I certainly can’t speak to her individual experience I can speak to how I looked at her and how all of my friends looked at her in high school. My female friends (black and white) and I thought she was gorgeous and wanted to look like her while my male friends (black and white) had massive crushes on her and wanted to date her. Curious also that she left out the fact she was elected Prom Queen by the entire student body, black and white.”

Rob C.: “She’s crazy, Bedford wasn’t all white. I grew up in Bedford and Bedford heights 35 years, there are plenty of black folks then and still are.”

Shannon T: “I remember everyone always being in awww of Hallie. She was always gorgeous and everyone seemed to look up to her.”

James D.: “Bullsh*t, She was in my art class at Bedford HS, I talked to her everyday, she was a cheerleader too and treated like a queen! I always had respect for her until now!”

Jeff A.: “I remembered reading an article 10 or more years ago where she stated the same things.”

Cheryl M.: “She gave an interview on Lifetime about 20 years ago claiming all the same stuff”

Dawn T: “Halle is whining for attention. If she wanted to change the way things are she would be doing something, anything, for kids in her home town. She could easily afford to give a lot, but she doesn’t. What has she done in the last thirty years to help Bedford cheerleaders? Any scholarships for local disadvantaged girls? Has she built a playground? A shelter? Put any Oakwood kids through college? Seriously? What has she done for the biracial kids walking the path that was so tough for her?”

Erna B.: “She is not telling truth as she was Prom Queen voted by the entire class. Bedford schools have always been mix and everyone was happy was pretty friendly.”

Paul T.: “Class of 84. We were at least 40/60 and never heard anything other than how pretty she was. She was our prom queen in 84. Hollywood distorts things.”

Cindy K: “I know her very well. This is another ‘Hollywood’ story that makes for a good interview. She was NEVER picked on! She was popular and very outgoing… Years ago in another interview, she said she was beaten by a high school boyfriend and went deaf because of it, that never happened! On Oprah, she said she was accused of “stuffing” the ballot box because she won prom queen, that never happened! She tied with Vicki and won the coin toss! See the pattern here?”

Karen Z.: “I totally agree. She was popular. She was a cheerleader in the band as a flag girl I believe. Everyone likes her. It’s all a story to get people to feel sorry for her. So sad she has to act that way.”

Wendy P.: “This isn’t the first time she has LIED about Bedford- 10 years ago in a Cosmo article she talked about how she experienced racism- I gaduated in ’81 she graduated a couple years later w/my sister and my dad was her mailman- as previously stated she was super popular, all the guys wanted to date her, all the girls wanted to be her, I don’ t know why she continues to say this- maybe for attention but I hate that it makes Bedford look bad”

Debbie M.: “Bedford was 35% minority when she attended. Being the principals daughter, I was called every name in the book. I had one student, who only knew who I was because I was “bud’s daughter” call me bit*h every single day in the hallway. I had bottles and rocks thrown through my house windows. Bomb threats were called to my home. That’s discrimination. But I dealt with it and I’ve never boo-hooed about it all over the media/Facebook. My brother was one of her best friends. He will attest that she is exaggerating. She needs to find something new to try to regain the spotlight.”

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