
Jul 27, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Responds to President Donald Trump's Transgender Military Ban

Caitlyn Jenner is speaking out hours after President Donald Trump announced a military ban on transgender people.

In a blog post on her personal website, the I Am Cait star expressed her disapproval on the decision that remains a hot topic amongst Americans.
"Studies estimate there are as many as 15,000 transgender people already serving this country—and for those brave people fighting for our nation, Trump's early morning tweets must be devastating. I believe every American should be outraged by the disrespect shown to those people wearing our country's uniform," Caitlyn shared online. "Furthermore, this half-baked idea puts all of our service members in harm's way."

She continued, "Does President Trump intend to just pull 15,000 people out of every critical position to which they are currently assigned? That would disrupt core military missions around the world and needlessly endanger our troops."

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