
Jul 26, 2015

Twitter Co-Founder Responds to Kim Kardashian's Edit Function Request

Move over, Taylor Swift -- Kim Kardashian has stopped trying to break the Internet and is now trying to fix it.

Everyone's favorite selfie queen spends a lot of time posting on social media, so it's no surprise that she's looking for ways to improve it. That's why she emailed Twitter Friday night and suggested that they add an edit feature to posts.Twitter co-founder Jack Torsey publicly responded, telling Kim she had a "great idea." "We're always looking at ways to make things faster and easier," he wrote Saturday morning.

Kim Kardashian West
I just emailed Twitter to see if they can add an edit feature so that when u misspell something u don't have to delete & repost Let's see...

Jack @jack
@KimKardashian great idea! We're always looking at ways to make things faster and easier.

Let's hope Twitter finally adds in this much-needed edit function just like Instagram did. After all, who isn't familiar with autocorrect's ability, to not always be, well, correct.

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