
Jun 22, 2015

An Ode To All The Full Bodied Women

You see the beauty of a chubby woman can only be imagined by those who really understand what true beauty is. The society has continually been deceived by western society especially their media that for you to be considered beautiful you must be thin and skinny with your collar bones sticking out like cloth pegs and your hips non descript.

I beg to disagree. I have been a connoisseur of the chubby woman and I am pleased to announce that nothing beats the curves and undulating moulds of the chubby round and well proportioned woman.

When you look at the curvaceous beauty all you see is the meaning of life.
The excitement of an undulating adventure and the nervousness you feel when you are about to start a race on a very steep and curly race track.

The full bodied woman is what God intended beauty to be. From the well formed breast, jutting out of the chest, daring your touch, pulling your gaze and making a Boy Scout of you, to the wonderfully streamlined thighs, jutting out of mesmerizing hips. I have seen all kinds of hips in my lifetime. Hips that have stood out like the Horn of Africa, hips that have contributed in giving you a feeling aching to what you get when you are on a high. The hips of a full bodied woman are the most aggressive part of her body.

When she is angry, they stand out akimbo, with those beautiful huge hands resting on them. The hips, carry the clothes, Showing you just how sexy this being is. Reminding you just in case you have forgotten that this is the essence of womanhood, that these hips will carry your children, make your mates green with envy and give you nights of dizzying pleasure while also making you a wiling slave forever.

The only down side of the full bodied woman is the unfortunate incidence of the tummy. The tummy juts out and in some cases attempts a distortion of the look. Girdles, body shapers and all sort of contraptions have been known to be used to battle these scourge. Some have even lost their lives in an attempt to conquer it. They needn't worry cos even the skinny ones are plagued by the bulging tummy with comical consequences. Would you rather carry a bulging tummy on a skinny frame. You will come across like those malnourished shoulders in the starving plains of Ethiopia. But on a full bodied woman, cos the size is there it usually comes out well proportioned. The only thing that may make you notice it, is the confidence issues that makes her ask you to switch of the lights before she undresses.

The glory that comes with voluptuousness, can only be witnessed rather than imagined. The warmth of being enveloped in a morass of flesh, the suppleness and quiet pleasure that seems to envelope you as you snuggle into the arms of a full bodied woman can only be compared to episcopalian rhapsody. The melody that comes with a 'shag', seeing you wallow in between warm and fleshy thighs, enjoying and exploring the wonders of the moist insides protected by fleshy mounds of excitement while floating in the melodic miasma of the psalmists rhythms can never be exchanged for the dryness and sahelian carnage that an attempt on the skinny woman's anthill will provide the unfortunate traveller.

I have always thought that an attraction to a size zero is a sign of hidden gay tendencies. Or how would you explain an attraction to a flat chest, hapless and bony structure with the spine clearly visible as you even attempt an erection. This attraction could only mean that if given the opportunity this hermit would ravage a male. Well their business.

All hail the full bodied woman for within their perfectly sculptured bodies lies to full and total emancipation of unremitting pleasure that has been locked up in the wrongful yearnings of the slim and skinny woman through the negative permutations of media and society.

You see the beauty of a chubby woman can only be imagined by those who really understand what true beauty is. The society has continually been deceived by western society especially their media that for you to be considered beautiful you must be thin and skinny with your collar bones sticking out like cloth pegs and your hips non descript.

I beg to disagree. I have been a connoisseur of the chubby woman and I am pleased to announce that nothing beats the curves and undulating moulds of the chubby round and well proportioned woman. When you look at the curvaceous beauty all you see is the meaning of life. The excitement of an undulating adventure and the nervousness you feel when you are about to start a race on a very steep and curly race track.

The full bodied woman is what God intended beauty to be. From the well formed breast, jutting out of the chest, daring your touch, pulling your gaze and making a Boy Scout of you, to the wonderfully streamlined thighs, jutting out of mesmerizing hips. I have seen all kinds of hips in my lifetime. Hips that have stood out like the Horn of Africa, hips that have contributed in giving you a feeling aching to what you get when you are on a high. The hips of a full bodied woman are the most aggressive part of her body.

When she is angry, they stand out akimbo, with those beautiful huge hands resting on them. The hips, carry the clothes, Showing you just how sexy this being is. Reminding you just in case you have forgotten that this is the essence of womanhood, that these hips will carry your children, make your mates green with envy and give you nights of dizzying pleasure while also making you a wiling slave forever.

The only down side of the full bodied woman is the unfortunate incidence of the tummy. The tummy juts out and in some cases attempts a distortion of the look. Girdles, body shapers and all sort of contraptions have been known to be used to battle these scourge. Some have even lost their lives in an attempt to conquer it. They needn't worry cos even the skinny ones are plagued by the bulging tummy with comical consequences. Would you rather carry a bulging tummy on a skinny frame. You will come across like those malnourished shoulders in the starving plains of Ethiopia. But on a full bodied woman, cos the size is there it usually comes out well proportioned. The only thing that may make you notice it, is the confidence issues that makes her ask you to switch of the lights before she undresses.

The glory that comes with voluptuousness, can only be witnessed rather than imagined. The warmth of being enveloped in a morass of flesh, the suppleness and quiet pleasure that seems to envelope you as you snuggle into the arms of a full bodied woman can only be compared to episcopalian rhapsody. The melody that comes with a 'shag', seeing you wallow in between warm and fleshy thighs, enjoying and exploring the wonders of the moist insides protected by fleshy mounds of excitement while floating in the melodic intrusions of the psalmists rhythms can never be exchanged for the dryness and sahelian carnage that an attempt on the skinny woman's anthill will provide the unfortunate traveller.

I have always thought that an attraction to a size zero is a sign of hidden gay tendencies. Or how would you explain an attraction to a flat chest, hapless and bony structure with the spine clearly visible as you even attempt an erection. This attraction could only mean that if given the opportunity this hermit would ravage a male. Well their business.

All hail the full bodied woman for within their perfectly sculptured bodies lies to full and total emancipation of unremitting pleasure that has been locked up in the wrongful yearnings of the slim and skinny woman through the negative permutations of media and society.  

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