
Apr 17, 2013

(VIDEO) How I prophesied the Boston Marathon explosions since January – TB Joshua

How I prophesied the Boston Marathon explosions since January (VIDEO) – TB Joshua
Founder of the The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), TB Joshua has claimed he prophesied about the Boston bombings since January this year.
According to Emmanuel TV report, in a repeated broadcast on January 19, 2013, Prophet Joshua told his congregation to pray and fast for America because he had seen flames and bombings in parts of that nation.
He further stated that he had seen “massacre in a gathering of people in America” and warned that such gatherings should be avoided or be “well-secured”.
Speaking at the first service, he said: “On Monday, I want you to fast and pray for that nation, America. What I’m seeing, if I’m permitted I will say it but just pray for them. I’m seeing flame. What is the cause of this flame? As time goes on I will talk about that.”
At the second service, he further emphasized: “I see something is roaming about, wandering in the city (Ameriaca)…” he told the congregation.
“Their homeland security should be tight, tight, tight,” he added.

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