
Feb 4, 2013

Beyonce Slays The Super Bowl Half Time Show, Celebs React


Beyonce shut down the Super Bowl. Literally!

It was lights out in NOLA’s Superdome minutes after Beyonce strutted off stage after headlining the Super Bowl halft-time show. And it’s a good thing because folks definitely had to regroup after that thirteen minute work out.

The show started with a countdown from fans who were chosen from a Pepsi sponsored contest. The stadium field was then bombarded by running, screaming fans before Beyonce appeared in all her glory and began singing “Love On Top.” Joined by her clique of all female dancers, she went into “Crazy In Love,” “End Of Time,” and dutty winded her way right into a sexy rendition of “Baby Boy.” As we all anticipated, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams joined her on stage for “Bootylicious,” “Independent Woman,” and “Single Ladies.”

By this time, Beyonce probably should have been out of breath, but she somehow mustered up the vocals to end of her performance with “Halo.” At that point, she could have grown wings and flew around the stadium. She definitely did that!

And in case you are wondering, Jay approves.
Catch the performance and celeb reactions below:


Back in 2002, while on the set of her first Pepsi Commercial, Beyonce said:

I’m so happy my first Pepsi commercial will be played during the Super Bowl. And actually last year my first movie was played during the Super Bowl and now this year, my first commercial. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and better and better.

11 years later, she headlined the half-time show at the Super Bowl. If that ain’t inspiration that you can do anything your heart desires, I don’t know what is.


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