
Feb 16, 2013

Beyonce Shows Off 1-Year-Old Blue Ivy, Says ‘I Will Still Be Protective’

We haven’t seen Blue Ivy since she was about 6 months old and paparazzi secretly snapped some shots while Beyonce was shopping last summer. Now, a photo of the 1-year-old has made it’s way on to the net and has circulated on all social media platforms just as fast as you can blink.

The picture is a screen cap from Beyonce’s upcoming documentary “Life Is But A Dream”, which will debut tomorrow night on HBO and is right on time for all the promo the Carters have drummed up for the special night. Meanwhile, don’t think that Blue Ivy’s appearance in the film means that Beyonce will be more open to showing off her child after the documentary airs. In a recent interview with E!, Bey revealed that she is doing everything that she possibly can to make sure Blue has a normal childhood:I think for [Gwyneth Paltrow and I], protecting our daughters is so important and…keeping things on our own terms, so I will still be protective and make sure [Blue Ivy] has a childhood and a great time.

At some point, you know it is what it is, you can’t control it anymore. But I know as long as I’m the mother that I know I can be and the mother I have—such an incredible mother—my daughter’s going to be fine.

[The film is] out now because I feel like I finally know what to say after seeing my child’s eyes.

Blue is so adorable and is a perfect little blend of Beyonce and Shawn Carter.

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