
Dec 2, 2012

My wife made me impotent- Man tells court

A 60-year-old man on Friday shed uncontrollable tears in court praying for the dissolution of his 32-year old marriage.

Mr. Joshua Ajala, a building contractor dragged his 53-year old wife, Dorcas, to an Orile-Agege Grade B Customary Court, Lagos on the grounds of childlessness, witchcraft and abandonment.

The visibly embittered Joshua Ajala narrated to the court how his estranged wife used witchcraft to kill a girl another woman had for him after she couldn’t give him children.
Tearfully narrating his ordeals, Ajala, alleged that three years after their marriage, his wife was not concerned about getting pregnant, as all the efforts by his late mother to get her to take local medication to aid pregnancy proved abortive.

According to him, ”she eventually got pregnant in 1993. I told her to register in a hospital but she said she preferred “Ile Alagbo” (traditionalists). The child was dead in her womb before she delivered”.

However, his wife brought two kegs of local medication from her father, gave him one to take and kept the other one for herself and he took the medication because he desired a child.

Instead of boosting his potency, the reverse was the case, ”after taking the medication, each time I wanted to make love to my wife, my manhood will become soft; it won’t be able to penetrate,” he said.
Mr. Ajala also claimed that his wife made mockery of his predicament by telling people that he was impotent. In order to counter her claims, he opted to have an extra-marital affair. But, according to him, the problem persisted. ”I went to the mountain to pray. Thereafter, I went to the woman I was dating, made love to her and she became pregnant”.
Shortly after the birth of the baby girl, his wife got to know about his extra-marital affair and threatened to kill the baby.
And true to her threats, Joshua told the court that he lost the child when she was seven years old.
”My wife was happy about the death of this child; she dressed gorgeously when she went to pay condolence visit to the woman. I had hypertension that wanted to lead to stroke as a result of the child’s death. This woman is out to ruin me.
I want the court to dissolve this marriage so that I can be free from her,” he pleaded.
Refuting the allegations levelled against her, Dorcas , a resident of 4, Ajibode Street, Ajuwon, told the court that she lived with her husband with sincere heart but he paid her with evil.
She denied being a witch and has no hands in the death of her step daughter.
Dorcas, also agreed to the dissolution of the marriage because of their irreconcilable differences.

After listening to both parties, the presiding judge adjourned the case to Dec. 13 for judgement.

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