
Dec 4, 2012

Dana crash: “We will fully compensate victims’ families soon” – Usidamen

Dana Group, owners of Dana Airlines have assured the 40 families of the victims of the ill-fated Dana plane crash that they will give out statutory compensation to those properly entitled at the earliest opportunity .

Dana Group’s Head of Corporate Communications, Mr. Tony Usidamen, in a statement entitled “Dana Air Press Statement on Payment of Insurance Benefits to Families” said they should be patient.
The statement reads in part: “The present position is that 80 advance payments of US$30,000 have been processed by virtue of documentation supplied demonstrating familial links and kinship; our insurers are continuing to deal with all other claims in accordance with the applicable law.”
Usidamen while refuting the report that Dana Air and its insurers have refused to pay statutory compensation to families of victims of the crash explained that before the payment, it is necessary for claimants to produce the required Grants of Probate or Letters of Administration.

He said: “To date, Letters of Administration have been produced by only a small number of claimants. However, there’s need to be verified by the Probate Office who issued them. This is customary procedure and an important requirement in order to ensure that just compensation is only paid to those who have entitlement.”

He added that: “Dana Air has no control over the speed with which the Probate Office deals with the verification process, although maximum pressure is being exerted to expedite this. Subject to verification, full compensation will be paid to those properly entitled in accordance with the law and available evidence at the earliest opportunity.”

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