
Dec 3, 2012

Anglican Bishop Blasted For Promoting Lesbianism

A Bishop with a leading church has been caught up in a fix as he is being accused of promoting homoséxuality at a mission boarding school.

The issue came to light after the bishop (name withheld for legal reasons), overturned the board's decisions to expel a couple that had been caught red handed practicing lesbianism.

A source who spoke to news crew last week alleged that the Bishop overturned the decision in a bid to save one of the students who is reported to be a child of an Anglican employee (name withheld).

"The hearing for the two students was held a few days ago and it was passed that they should write their examinations from home. But surprisingly the bishop is said to have ordered that the child of a church employee should continue with her education as a boarder," said the source.

Reports say the other girl has been writing her final examinations coming from home as it is a decision that was passed by the school board.

"It seems the parent of the culprit connived with the bishop who later called the school giving a directive that the young girl was not supposed to write examinations from home. Right now most of the students are no longer comfortable with the young girl who is still sharing the same hostel with them," said the source.

It is reported that the other pupils' parents tried to negotiate with the school over the matter but their efforts proved futile.

"In other words, the bishop is actually promoting homoséxuality especially to our children who are still far from writing their Ordinary and Advanced level examinations," said the source.

When news crew called the bishop to find out more on the allegations levelled against him, the secretary kept on saying he was out.

"The bishop is out at the moment, so please can you leave your message and I will pass it on to him," said his secretary.

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