
Nov 14, 2012

Denise Helms, Sorry For Obama Assassination Remarks? Faces Felony Charges, Loses Job

Denise Helms is now taking back her harsh facebook comment she said about President Obama. The 22-year-old woman lost her job at the Cold Stone Creamery in Turlock, California, and is now being investigated by the Secret Service for her racist and threatening remarks.

After Obama secured a second term last week, Helms posted on her Facebook, "Another 4 years of this N-Word. Maybe he will get assassinated this term."

Once her remarks went viral, Helms did an interview with a local TV station where she stood by her words and claimed she wasn't racist, "I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," Helms told the reporter. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

According to the Modesto Bee, Helm's Cold Stone Creamery director Chris Kegle did not take her comments lightly, "We found her comments to be very disgusting, and they do not reflect our opinions here," Kegle said. "We never saw anything from her at work like those comments."

When Kegle arrived to work after the incident, he had received 20 or more angry calls about Helms, "We made the decision because of her comments, but also the community feedback," Kegle said. "We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."

After the interview Helms comments are being received by the Secret Service. Agent Scott Gillingham, of the Sacramento CA Secret Service office is looking into the matter seriously as all threats. Helms' mother defended her daughter and said her daughter's ex-boyfriend took a screen shot and re-posted it on twitter, which then made it very public.

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