
Nov 21, 2012

, Bauchi State governor dismisses civil servant over Facebook post on corruption

A civil servant in Bauchi State who made a facebook post questioning the financial integrity of the State Governor has been dismissed.

Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State ordered the dismissal of Abbas Faggo over a facebook comment in which he accused the governor of corruption.

A letter terminating Mr. Faggo’s appointment and signed by one Ibrahim Shehu for the Head of Service of the State, said his appointment was terminated “because his services are no longer needed”.

The termination of the appointment took effect from October 10 this year when he was first suspended.

Mr. Faggo’s troubles started when he accused the governor of monumental fraud and corruption, questioning the source of funding of the governor’s son’s wedding which took place recently.

Mr. Faggo had been arraigned by the Police before the Chief Magistrate of the state for the same offence.

However, the Chief Magistrate, Adamu Madaki, on Friday November 16, struck out the case against Mr. Faggo because “it was not properly filed.”

Below is the content of Mr. Faggo’s dismissal letter:


I am directed to refer to the civil service commission’s letter No.

CSC/PRO/S/001/T.V dated 1st November 2012 to convey the commission’s

approval of your suspension and termination of appointment from Bauchi State

Service with effect from 10th October, 2012 as your service is no longer

required, please.


ibrahim shehu
For: Head of Service.

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