
Nov 30, 2012

Artist Paints Obama as Crucified Jesus

An artist’s shocking and blasphemous painting of President Barack Obama has got many talking at Bunker Hill Community College.

The painting has been described by many as disrespectful, blasphemous and shameful, but the man behind the image used just one word: Art.

The painting shows President Obama in a Christ-like pose, as if nailed to a cross, with a crown of thorns on top of his head.

The painted, titled “The Truth,” is on display at Bunker Hill Community College’s art gallery.

Artist Michael D’Antuono said, “It was meant as a political piece, not really a religious piece at all.”

“It means that the president was being crucified for whatever he said,” said D’Antuono.

The college said people who see the painting in person have not complained.

Shockingly, Stephanie Schorow, Bunker Hill Community College Spokesperson said, “I don’t think we’re sorry about anything in this exhibit. I think this exhibit was intended to provoke discussion. It was intended to get people thinking.”

D’Antuono said it is the Christian right which is fueling the debate. He makes no apologies for exercising his right to free speech.

“Jesus wasn’t the only one crucified and I’m pretty sure that if he came down now and looked around I don’t think he’d be too upset with me,” said D’Antuono.

The painting will be displayed at Bunker Hill Community College through December 15.

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