
Jun 2, 2012

I-N-C-R-E-D-A-B-L-E: Some pastors sleep with people’s wives – Obaseki

When you enter his office, you will have no doubt of his close affiliation to the doctrines of Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of Christ because the pictures of this man of God are very conspicuous in all the corners of his office. And Pastor Peter Israel Obaseki, the founder of one of the fastest growing churches in Benin City , the Divine Grace of Glory Church is also at logger heads today with many of his colleagues in the state.

Other men of God in the state don’t relate with him. They are disgusted by him to a level that each time he gave out his church Almanac to his fellow men of God, they tore it shortly after he left their offices . But while facing prosecution in so many fronts, Pastor Israel has been waxing stronger as people come from all parts of the country to receive healing.

As a matter fact, his gigantic church edifice is a great testimony to what he has learnt from TB Joshua whom he described as his mentor and spiritual god father. The controversy surrounding this man of God took Saturday Vanguard to Divine Grace of God last Monday for an encounter . And when this reporter came, it was quite revealing, as Pastor Israel was more than prepared to provide answers to all the posers.

After observing the pictures in his office, this reporter inquired why he displayed the pictures of the Synagogue man and not that of Jesus Christ and he did not hesitate to answer the question like he has been expecting it. He explained: “My relationship with Prophet Joshua is all about God’s grace because I as a man of God have been in the Ministry and I began to listen to other men of God, listen to their messages and I heard the message of Prophet Joshua and it blessed me so much.

“I had to go to the Synagogue Church and when I went there, the prayers I received became a transformation to my life and Ministry. Then, I decided to remain and attach my self to Synagogue Church of all Nations . My church project started about one year ago. As a matter of fact, my former structure was just a kiosk. But when I got in contact with Prophet Joshua, he gave me the anointing water after I told him about my challenges in the Ministry.

“And when I came, I anointed the compound as directed by the prophet and I told God to give me the same grace he gave the prophet by providing for me. And my church project began and I noticed that since we started the project, God will always send people to assist in one stage or another. We have never raised fund in this church and launched any thing but today we have this big edifice. The anointing water Prophet Joshua gave me was what I used in anointing the church. We have never lacked financially”.

Reminded that he was accused by other pastors of alleged involvement in cultism, Pastor Obaseki said that “I placed the picture of Prophet Joshua in my church almanac because of the role God has used him to play in my life. Everybody will like to associate where you experience favour and he has been a blessing to my life. And I decided on my own to place the photograph on my almanac. Since I did that, it has been raising dust. So many pastors have been carrying different rumours that I have been initiated into the cultism .

“People have asked me to remove the picture in my Calendar so that I will be able to relate to other pastors but I said no, no body called me into the Ministry but God. So, I always seek the hand of God before I take any decision. I never see Prophet Joshua as a cultist, God revealed him to me before I went to him. And he has been a blessing to me.

“When I give my almanac to pastors, they will tear it and throw it away. But I said well, no problem, the God that called me is the one giving me direction of where to go to. They said that I am a cultist . So many pastors have raised dust that the anointing water I give to my members is from the marine world, that it is evil. There are so many rumours but I am not bothered because my conscience is clear”.

Speaking about his mentor at the Synagogue, he asserted, “Yes his powers are from God. Before you go and meet a man of God, you always pray to God to reveal the good person to you. I always tell my members that as you come to this Church, make sure you ask God to reveal to you the secret of Pastor Israel Obaseki. I have prayed persistently and God revealed to me that Prophet Joshua is a genuine man of God. And the anointing part of God in his life is all by God’s grace. When people don’t understand you they, always criticize you but when they understand you, they will destroy you”.

Commenting on the problem between him and members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) in the state, he explained that he decided not associate with them because of what he described as the unclean life majority of the members are exhibiting. His words “I am not a member because there was a day I attended their meeting and I saw the way pastors were challenging themselves. Pastors were cursing themselves like unbelievers.

“The way they were threatening themselves and exhibiting anger falls short of the teachings of Christ. I looked at it that there is no way I will grow spiritually if I continue to associate with these people. So I decided to pause, I have received several invitation letters for a meeting but I have rejected them due to the reasons I gave you. Even when my father was alive, I was having the sign of God’s calling but I was never interested because my father suffered so much in the Ministry.

“We are twelve that my father gave birth to but none of us were educated because my father suffered as a Minister of God. It was even difficult for us to feed. So when I saw what my father passed through, I never wanted to be a man of God. But all I promised my self was that when I become a business man, I will sponsor church programmes. Then I took a step to travel out to Libya and but while I was sleeping one day in the Nigerian ghetto in Libya , a mad man started beating me on the ground, saying that God is calling you and you refused to answer him.

“But before then, I always see my self in the dream preaching to a very large crowd. So when I left Libya back to Nigeria, I said I was coming home to serve the Lord and that was how I found myself here. And truth is that the story they told me before I went to Libya was not what I found when I got there. The place was like hell for me and suddenly, there was this war in that country in the year 2000 when Obasanjo was President. He sent a plane to evacuate Nigerians living in Libya and honestly speaking, I sent that plane after my prayers to God to save me from that country. It was when I came back that I made up my mind to work for God”.

Some pastors sleep with other people’s wives
“The society is actually corrupt and it is supposed to be the duty of men of God to assist in bringing sanity to the society. But unfortunately, you will find out that most of us pastors are after wealth, and when a pastor is after money, you can never be after God. And today you see a lot of pastors going to see native doctors, herbalists to prepare charms for them so that they will become miracle workers. That is not of God. Today, many are accusing Prophet TB Joshua that he is not of God but some of these people are the worst pretenders on earth.

“When we deny the truth, we will remain in darkness. What Joshua is doing in this country, I have not seen a man of God doing that in this country and that is why every man of God should stop judging each other. So many pastors are too fast in judging others. We have so many fake pastors. There are so many people that have deiced not to go to church again because of what pastors have done to them. I have had many of such people in my church.

“Pastors have exploited them, cheated on them, carted away people’s property, pastors have even taken some people’s wives and this situation has corrupted the minds of a lot of people and they have decided to remain pagans. So it is sad that some of us who are pastors that are supposed to repair the society are now problems to the society. I see this as a satanic trick to collapse the society. A lot of Pastors have criticized me, but I am very happy that they criticized me because when they do that, I know that God is using me to do his job.

“For example, when I married twelve years ago, it was difficult for me to have children. My wife was always having miscarriage until I went to Synagogue Church of God Mission and the man of God TB Joshua prayed for me and gave me the anointing oil and water. My wife used it and got pregnant and we had a baby girl. When my wife was pregnant of that child they said it was fibroid that she should go for operation.

“But we kept on using the anointing water until the day she delivered. Yet rumour mongers did not rest, they said Pastor Israel has gone to buy a child. When they heard that I went to TB Joshua they said TB Joshua has given me a magic child. After that my wife delivered another child a baby boy, they still went to town that it’s another magic. But I am not troubled with all that and I believe that Prophet TB Joshua is real and not fake.”

1 comment:

  1. Please listening to my testimony on how prophet TB Joshua the general
    overseas of Synagogue Church Of All Nations – SCOAN - in nigeria cure my
    hiv/aids virus, my name is LEE BECYLU I have been living with HIV
    virus for over 6 years but at the end everything became
    worst to the extend that people do not near me any more
    my friend were avoiding me just because of the virus i
    thought is all over to me that i can not make it in life again,i was
    loosing my
    strength everyday and my doctor said to me that i only have
    view weeks to live because for over 6 years i have been living
    on drugs so i do not have any option i cried day and night so
    few weeks later i became very ill to me is all over i have lost
    it all,so a friend of mine took me to the hospital my husband
    abandon me when he found out that i was HIV positive
    getting to the hospital, the doctor admitted me in a bed, when it was now
    6;00pm they started showing program on the tv, there I saw the church of
    prophet TB Joshua I saw the man delivery people from wicked demon I heard
    many testimony about how he heal thousand of people from hiv/aids with is
    holy water and holy oil, many deliverance take place that day I was
    surprise I have never believe in God one day but since that day I started
    believed in God, I keep on watching the program everyday, on till one day
    the email of the church show on the tv program I quickly copy the email
    address and the phone number of the church, I call the church I told they
    how I gut their email and phone number, one of his apostle told me that I
    need to buy his holy water and holy oil so that the man of God can bless it
    and pray for it, I buy it and I gave them my information about were I am
    now, the apostle and some of the men in the church came to me in the
    hospital they pray for me and instructed me on how to keep using the holy
    water and holy oil, they took me along to the church I started worshiping
    with them in the church and God finally hear my prayer and he did a wonder
    in my life by making me hiv/aids negative again, God is really a wonderful
    father of the whole universe, request for your whole healing today from God
    by contact this same email address I contacted when I was positive and
    request for your own holy water and holy oil from the wise men to fight again any problem you are having: here is
    there contact
