
May 16, 2012

Protests by Islamic extremists have led to police refusing a permit for Lady Gaga to perform in, Indonesia

Yesterday she was told that she won't be able to play a gig in Indonesia after protests from Islamic extremists. she was forced to cancel the concert after police refused her a permit  following protests by Islamic extremists.

A total of 52,000 tickets have so far been sold for the gig which is the biggest show on the Asian leg of her world tour.

Promoter Michael Rusli had hoped police would still grant the megastar permission to perform, but spokesman Boy Rafli Amar confirmed that the application has been rejected.

Indonesia's Muslims are mostly moderate but a hardline fringe has become increasingly vocal with radical groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front and the Muslim Defender Team threatening that 'bad things might happen' if the show goes ahead.

They have suggested they will forcibly prevent Lady Gaga from stepping off her plane saying the outlandish performer will corrupt the nation's youth.

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