
May 30, 2012

Money-ritual, infidelity threaten 15-year-old marriage

A woman, Toyin Owoyomi, has dragged her husband, Israel Owoyomi, before an Oshodi Grade ‘B’ Customary Court, Lagos, over allegations of rituals and infidelity.

She told the court on Monday that since Israel lost a councillorship election in his home state, Ekiti, some years back, he had been desperate to get rich at all cost.

She said her continued marriage to Israel could cost her her life.

She said, “He funded his electoral campaigns with all he had and after he lost out he started moving from one herbalist house to another to get money at all cost.

“One day, he called me and said he had been told that his getting rich in life was solely in the hands of his wife.

“He said if I could get him the material which he said included Nigerian currencies of all denominations, get refillable pens, buy new white dishes and sundry items, he was on his way to becoming rich.”

Toyin, who got married to Israel in 1997 under traditional laws and customs, said she was surprised at her husband’s request because they were Christians.

She said things had never be the same between her and her husband since she refused to grant his requests.

She said, “Whenever I wash his clothes I find different fetish items in his pockets. I find black soaps and other items I can’t describe.”

Toyin further told the court that her husband had started going out with a policewoman and had abandoned her and the children.

She said, “He lied to me that he got a contract job that he would be executing at nights and I ignorantly believed him.

“I later found out that he was cohabiting with a policewoman and not that he was executing a contract.

“The explanation he gave for his action was that the policewoman was the one fending for him, fuelling his car and clothing him and that it would be difficult for him to leave her.”

However, Israel denied the money ritual allegation. He said, “I have never attempted to perform or performed a ritual before. Her allegations are unfounded.

“She was even the one who took me to churches of all sorts when she was suffering from spiritual attacks.”

Meanwhile, Israel did not deny going out with the policewoman.

He said he took care of his family and made it a point of duty to check on her and the children every morning after spending the night outside.

He added that since all entreaties to her to back down on the divorce suit had failed, the court should go ahead with the dissolution.

The acting President of the court, Mrs. R.I. Adetola, after hearing both parties ordered them to maintain peace and adjourned till June 25 for further hearing.

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