
May 19, 2012

60-Yr-Old Man Arraigned For Raping Boy, 20

A 60-year-old businessman, Alhaji Olusegun Adesina, was on Friday in Abeokuta arraigned before an Isabo Magistrate’s Court for allegedlyraping a 20-year-old secondary school leaver (name withheld).

Adesina was arraigned before Magistrate O.A. Ayobolu on a count of having unlawful sexual intercourse with the boy on Tuesday at his private residence in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

The suspect allegedly lured the boy into his residence with a promise to help him secure a job pending his admission into a tertiary institution.

The police prosecutor, Paul Etusi, argued that the accused harmed the 20-year-old when he forcefully had sexual intercourse with him through the anus.

Etusi, an assistant superintendent of police, stated that the offence was punishable under Section 214 of the Criminal Code Vol. 1, Laws of Ogun State of Nigeria, 2006.

Counsel to the accused, B.H. Yusuf, however, appealed to the court to grant Adesina bail.

The prosecutor opposed the bail application and urged the magistrate to remand the accused in prison.

The magistrate later granted Adesina bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties.

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