
Apr 15, 2012


Anita is married to Ted, a Dutch citizen.They married six years ago.Anita and Ted have two beautiful children together.


Star actress, Anita Hogan opens up on her nude photo splash
I feel like committing suicide
Saturday, August 19, 2006
A few days into the Gulder Ultimate Search, a reality TV show that held in Obudu, Cross River State last year, one of the female contestants, Anita Hogan had broken down and wept as she lamented the agony and pains they were made to suffer in the course of looking for a lost fortune.

Anita, who is nicknamed ‘boxer’ for her huge physique may have disappointed her fans when she broke down and cried in the full glare of the cameras. But pennutimate Friday, Anita had cause to shed hot tears, wail and roll on the ground as she bemoaned her fate after seeing her nude photos splahed on the front and inside pages of an evening newspaper.

In an exclusive interview with Blockbuster the following day, Anita lamented amidst tears how the publication had damaged her reputation and demeaned her integrity. She told the reporter on phone that having considered the damage done to herself and career as a top actress in Nollywood, she felt like committing suicide.

“I feel like hitting the streets. I feel like killing myself,” Anita said in tears.
The brief interview went thus:
Q: Are the nude photographs in the newspaper really yours because I read the story where you said they could not be yours?

Anita: Yes, they are mine.
When you saw your nude photographs in the paper, what was your first reaction?
Anita: I didn’t know what hit me.
How did the photographs get to the public?
Anita: I didn’t know.

Who was the whiteman you posed with?
Anita: He is my fiancee. We were just having fun and toying with the camera. He snapped me and I snapped him. The photographs were downloaded onto my laptop. The laptop crashed and was taken for repairs. I think that’s how the pictures got into the wrong hand. And they have been used to blackmail me.
It was reported that you posed nude for the whiteman for money?
Anita: (cuts in) How can I descend so low? I can never pose nude for all the money in this world.

What are you going to do now?
Anita: Tosin, I don’t know o. (sobs and wails) These people have ruined me. They have killed me. I feel like hitting the streets. I feel like killing myself

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