
Apr 1, 2012

Letter From General Ibrahim B. Babangida To Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu

My dear Asiwaju, today marks your 60th birthday on this putrid plane. There is every need to give thanks to almighty Allah for his care, concern, guidance, and love over you and your family. Since Mama Abibatu Mogaji, our symbol of women activism, introduced you to me for over three decades ago, you have greatly impressed me with your ebullient lifestyle, peculiar politics of convictions, and above all, your strong determination to make the country effectively governed through your management of human and material resources.

As the years go by, you have continued to show a stronger zeal and determination to make democracy grow by providing alternative platform to engage the ruling party. Your role as an opposition party chieftain and player has remained essential enthralling and significantly illustrative of your human capacity to make things happen. Those kind words of mama Abibatu Mogaji at our first meeting keep echoing in my innermost self, reminding me of the saying that those who succeed in life are those who stoop to conquer. You have remained a strong voice from the south west, reminding all of us of the politics of the second republic when Chief Obafemi Awolowo called the shots and gave voice to the voiceless majority..
I am kind of imagining how it would have been, if your group had not created the opposition Action Congress of Nigeria, to provide a platform to other Nigerians who are not in agreement with the PDP’s exclusive politics. You are not only doing the country a great deal of good, you are creating a political ideology that is driven by convictions to make democracy more attractive to the discerning and ordinary minds. I am further impressed by your clear cut resolve to insist that politics cannot be played as a zero-sum game in such a manner that may plunge the country into one party state. Your style might not be agreeable to everyone, but the message and end product of your struggles and political exploits, leave very positive landmarks for this and unborn generations.
Words alone may not not convey my commendable impressions about you, but at this wonderful celebration of three scores on earth, it is my onerous prayers that Allah will give you stronger and more eventful years ahead in service to our fatherland…

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