
Apr 25, 2012

Don’t vote for Oshiomhole....Idumonza

“Joblessness, insecurity, poverty, collapsed infrastructure and mal administration have become the hall mark of Edo State under the administration of Adams Oshiomhole. The State which was once the centre of attraction for economic and social activities has become a shadow of itself. Edo people should therefore not think twice before they vote him out of office on July 14”
This is the submission of Idumonza Isidahomhen, the July 14 governorship candidate on the platform of Hope Democratic Party, HDP.
He re emphasized his earlier position on Oshiomhole where he described him as a deceit who speaks with both sides of his mouth.
“We have always admonished our people not to trust Oshiomhole. PDP was bad but Oshiomhole is worst. He pretends to be concerned about the poor yet he lives ostentatious life. He preaches against godfatherism yet he is the biggest godfather in Nigeria . Look at the latest revelation about the multi billion naira palace he is building in his village. Where did he get the money from? He must explain to Edo people how he came about that palace. Pictures don’t lie. The photos are every where. People that voted for him do not even have decent accommodation let alone personal house, yet Adams is borrowing money from world bank to build palace in his village and feather his own nest. The people are wiser now and they must not allow themselves to be deceived again on July 14.”
Idumonza vows that Edo State under his administration would witness tremendous growth in economic activities that would create jobs for the jobless youths.
“Unlike Oshiomhole and PDP who understand only the language of borrowing and agitation for more revenue from Abuja , we would showcase first class difference in governance by creating wealth for the benefit of all. Our cardinal objective remains to industrialize Edo . We have the expertise. Therefore, the good people of Edo should vote for HDP on July 14” he says.
Ken Aigbogun,
Idumonza Campaign Organization

1 comment:

  1. Osajie8:42 PM

    I have heard about you before. You make sense here. we will vote for you. But do not disappoint
