
Mar 27, 2012

women admits eating her own placenta, experts reveal the health benefits

 January Jones has certainly been mysterious about the paternity of her son, but one thing she hasn't been shy to admit is how she ate her own placenta following his birth.
Eating the placenta however, is not an uncommon practice these days, and has become something of a trend among new mothers interested in the much talked about health benefits.
Chinese herbalists among others believe that re-ingesting the protective layer that connects the baby to the wall of the uterus is common sense when it comes to nourishing the body after childbirth.

 Final product: The placenta is cooked, dehydrated and ground up into a fine powder before being encapsulated for ingestion
Yum! January Jones took placenta pills as recommended by her doula and felt reinvigorated and ready to get back to work

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