
Mar 20, 2012

Supersize mum who dreams of becoming the world's fattest woman

A mother bidding to become the fattest woman in the world has become engaged to marry a chef.
Susanne Eman, 33, revealed her controversial dream of reaching a target weight of over 115 stone last year - to become the biggest human ever.
Now the mother-of-two, who currently weighs more than 54 stone, plans to wed fiance Parker Clack, 35, who loves cooking for her.
The pair met over the internet last year and hit it off following a string of emails.
Within months Parker moved in to Susanne's home in Casa Grande, Arizona, where she lives with sons Brendin, 13, and Gabriel, 17.

Unemployed Susanne said: 'We are a match made in heaven. I love eating and Parker loves cooking.
It's a perfect pairing. I still want to be the fattest woman in the world and Parker is fine with that.
'He loves larger women and sees how happy I am when I'm eating.
'His cooking skills were definitely part of the attraction. How could I resist a man with talents in the kitchen?
'His signature dish, spaghetti bolognese, is my favourite. I could eat it all day.
'Parker helps by doing the housework too.
'He does most of the house work, cooking, helps encourage me to go for walks, he goes swimming with me, helps me do anything I have difficulty with.'
Amazingly Parker is supporting Susanne in her controversial goal of becoming the world's heaviest.
Seen here dishing up a home-cooked breakfast for her, Parker cooks mountains of bacon and scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, huge slices of toast and even salad for Susanne.
Parker said: 'I support her because it makes her happy, and I love big women.
'I do worry about her health of course, but I try to make sure she eats some healthy food like salad, and I make sure she does exercises.
'She's taken up swimming since we met and we love to swim together.



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