
Mar 2, 2012

Super obese mother who weighed more than her partner and four children combined loses 31st in just two years

A mother-of-four, who once weighed more than her whole family put together - has lost an incredible 31 stone.
Marie Eaton, 42, tipped the scales at 50 stone two years ago - five stone more than her husband and four children combined.
But she more than halved her body weight after going on a strict diet before having a gastric sleeve fitted.
Two years ago Marie Eaton weighed 50st. The mother-of-four (pictured with husband Paul, Alice 8, Emily 11 and Lucy 12) now weighs 18.5st

Marie, a housewife from Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, said: 'At my heaviest, I couldn't even get up the stairs - I was forced to sleep on the sofa.
'I'd drink litres of fizzy drinks and eat £40 of takeaway in a single sitting on my own at least four nights a week.
'But around my 40th birthday I remember seeing myself in the mirror and thinking my body was close to giving up.
'I knew that I had to change otherwise I'd leave my children motherless.'

Marie had piled on the pounds after her mother died in her arms from a heart attack.
She bulged from a petite nine stone 16-year-old to 50 stone on her 40th birthday after comfort eating to cope with the loss.
Her constant scoffing lead to her becoming one of Britain's fattest women - rendering her completely house-bound and suffering from agoraphobia as a result.
Marie explained: 'I was normal weight up until I was sixteen. But then my mum died, and it hit me really hard.
'She died of a heart attack in my arms. She was with us one minute and gone the next.
From that moment onwards I comfort ate. It was my way of coping with the trauma of it all.
'It just spiralled from there. My social life diminished as I hid myself away.
'I was so ashamed, I stayed at home and became agoraphobic. I knew that the sofa wouldn't collapse beneath me unlike chairs in public.
'I couldn't be embarrassed about my weight if I was locked away at home out of sight.'


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