
Mar 27, 2012

Schoolboy, 15, falls 11 floors to his death in Dubai after sending 'F*** the system' tweet

 A British schoolboy has fallen mysteriously to his death from the eleventh floor of a building site after a night out in Dubai.
Harry Harling, 15, had been drinking at a party into the early hours of Saturday morning before becoming separated from his friends.
Police are still trying to work out how the rugby-mad year 11 pupil had ended up on the balcony overlooking the construction area in the city but are not treating his death as suspicious.
Harry, who had been living with his ex-pat family in the United Arab Emirates for nine years, left a cryptic trail of tweets in the hours leading up to his death.
In one he wrote: 'Beers and tanning with the lads justwhatIneed.'
But later he wrote: 'F*** the system.'
CID chief Major General Khalil al Mansouri confirmed he had left a party where he had been drinking

 Although it is unclear where he had obtained alcohol as the legal drinking age in Dubai is 21 and strict Muslim law means it is only available in hotels.
Friends have been trying to come to terms with Harry's death.
One of Harry's distraught friends, Harry Francis, wrote on Facebook: 'Mate I'm so sorry, I should of never left you alone on Friday. I should of stayed with you till you got a taxi.

 'I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.'
Another, James Ozden, added: 'Everyone is thinking of ways they could have changed the outcome but it's not fair for you to blame yourself.'
Harry lived with his mother Beverly, 46, father Nicholus, 49, and 19-year-old sister Rebecca. The family moved to the UAE from Woking in Surrey.

He went to school at Jumeirah College in the UAE. Head teacher Fiona Cottam said counselling was available to distraught staff and pupils.
A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'We are aware of the death of a British national in Dubai. We are providing consular assistance.'

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