
Mar 26, 2012

I won't quit stealing, suspect tells Police, Judge

Sholani street, Igando a Lagos suburb is noted for its serene and peaceful atmosphere where commercial and social activities thrive unhindered. But the situation turned awry and dramatic Tuesday, March 20,2012 after a man rushed out from a canteen and raised an alarm on discovering that his motorbike had disappeared from where it was parked.

Just about same time, an unknown person was sighted speeding away on the same motorbike. Other motorcyclists who were attracted by the alarm gave the thief a hot chase and apprehended him. He was beaten black and blue before some policemen from the nearby Igando Division came to his rescue.
However, to the astonishment of all, the motorcycle snatcher who gave his name as Idowu Dosumu, admitted during investigation that he intended to sell the motorbike and use the proceeds to eke out a living .
Investigation also revealed that the 26-year-old Idowu is an unrepentant thief as he has been arrested severally for the same crime. He was discovered to have been sent to jail on three occasions over a similar offence. But like the proverbial dog who would always turn to its cud , Idowu has proved to be recalcitrant. Inf act, he was discovered to have been in and out of prison custody in the last eight years .
In his confessional statement, he claimed to have tried his hands on other businesses but did not succeed and therefore finds ready solace in stealing
Hear him, " I am an electrician by profession. But the business got so bad that money was not forth coming. Then , I had to take to stealing because that is the only thing I am comfortable with.
"Yes , I have been arrested before and have been sent to jail say, about three times. I was sent to jail when I broke into somebody's house and I was caught and also when I snatched a motorcycle. But I can not remember the offence I committed the third time.
However, any time I come out of prison, poverty stares me again in the face and I will be left with no other choice than yield to the temptation of doing what I know how to do best. I went back to robbery because there is no other thing I can do again in my life".
Asked if he was under any influence, he responded, " I can not tell. But the only thing I know is that I feel comfortable with what I am doing. I wanted to steal the motorcycle and sell so as to use the money to eat and take care of other things"
Asked again if he would go back to stealing if let off the hook, he replied, " I do not think I can leave stealing. So the only solution for me is to be kept in jail for a very long time so that I will not go back to stealing again"
He was thereafter , charged to court where he bluntly told the presiding Magistrate at the Ejigbo magistrate court ,Mrs M.B Folami to grant him maximum jail term to avoid the temptation of committing the same offence.
But the Magistrate in her wisdom sentenced him to one year imprisonment with hard labour after he pleaded guilty as charged; a conviction Idowu never showed any sign of remorse.

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