
Mar 2, 2012

Guilty: Mother who had sex with boys aged 13 and 14 as a reward for them smashing up a love rival's car faces jail

A mother who had underage sex with two schoolboys as a reward for them vandalising her love-rival’s car is today facing jail.
Davina Travi, 42, broke down in tears as she was ordered by a judge to sign on the sex offenders’ register after being found guilty of having illegal sex with the boys.
The mother-of-five had ‘groomed’ the schoolboys aged 13 and 14 before she ‘struck a deal’ with them after she was dumped by her boyfriend for another woman.
Travi told the pair that if they smashed-up Stacey Allright’s Peugeot 306 car she would have sex with both of them.
And she was ‘as good as her word’ when they returned to her home holding the car number plate as proof they had kept up their end of the deal.
Travi first took the elder boy into her bedroom and started having sex with him on her king-size bed before he asked her to stop.
The teenager said he stopped after five minutes because it was 'disgusting'.
As the 14-year-old walked out of the room he met his friend in the doorway who asked him ‘how was she?’ before sleeping with her.
Travi, from Bournemouth, Dorset, denied charges of having sexual activity with a child under the age of 16 but was found guilty after a two week trial.
In a pre-recorded video interview played to Bournemouth Crown Court earlier in the trial, the older boy said: 'We kicked one of the mirrors off and we took the number plate to take back to Davina and prove that we did it.
'She pulled my trousers down and we had sex. She just had her vest top on, she wasn’t wearing anything else.

She started leaning forwards and backwards, she kept making sexual noises.
'I started liking it, then I just thought it’s a 40-year-old woman, it’s disgusting, so I told her to get off me and she did.
'She put her clothes back on and went to the toilet.'
The boy said the sex lasted five minutes before he asked Travi to stop and that his younger friend entered the bedroom moments later.
The 16-year-old said: 'We saw each other in the doorway. He said "how was she?", I said she was good, in a sarcastic sort of way. He said "it’s my turn now" and walked in.'
The jury had heard that Travi and the 13-year-old then began to have sex. The older boy said: 'I could hear them so I walked up to the door, kicked it open just for a laugh, and I saw him on top of her.
'I could hear them breathing heavily. They were in there probably for a bit longer than me - longer than five minutes.'
It was only when the girlfriend of one of the teenagers discovered what had happened that they were encouraged to tell a school social worker what had happened.
The court heard in the months leading up to the offences Travi regularly held parties for children, including the two boys, who drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes.
Judge Samuel Wiggs told her the ‘overwhelming’ likelihood was that she would go to prison.
Detective Inspector Becky Riggs, of Dorset police, said outside Bournemouth Crown Court: 'Travi groomed the boys for her own sexual pleasure.
'She is a dangerous offender who preyed on vulnerable boys.
'This case has had a significant impact on the victims and their families and it is my hope they can now move on with their lives.'
The court heard Travi had been in a three month relationship with Daniel Burgiss before he dumped her for Miss Allright.
Then in April 2010 Travi arranged for the two boys, who are now aged 15 and 16, to vandalise Miss Allright’s car in revenge.
Stephen Dent, prosecuting, said: 'Davina Travi used them to get back at her former boyfriend by bribing them to damage his girlfriend’s car for the reward of having sex with her; a reward that she gave them.
'Davina was as good as her word and had sex with one boy then the other.
'At the age of 13 a lot of boys have hormones coursing through their veins and are perfectly capable and willing to have sex but they are mentally immature.
'They are not able to properly decide whether they should have sex and they are unable to deal with the potential consequences.'
Travi denied doing anything wrong and said that due to a medical condition she was not able to have sex.
But a jury rejected her version of events.
A verdict on a third charge of Travi having sexual activity with a child could not be reached and that is to be left on file.
Travi was given conditional bail and will be sentenced at the end of the month.

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