
Mar 21, 2012

Emirati man kidnapped by a Nigerian gang

An Emirati man, who was kidnapped by a Nigerian gang for ransom in January this year, was successfully freed by the UAE Ministry of Interior, a statement by the ministry stated yesterday.
The victim, identified as Mohammad Khamis Majid, was held for Dh18.3 million ($5 million) ransom by members of a militia for the past two month, until when the operation led by officers at the ministry succeeded in freeing him on Monday.

Members of the gang were arrested in cooperation with the Nigerian authorities, while a UAE-based group which has collaborated with the gang through the operation was arrested. The number of suspects involved in the crime was not given by the ministry.
“Two teams, one in the UAE and the other in Nigeria, worked tirelessly throughout the process and maintained maximum level of coordination to complete the mission,” said Lieutenant General Abdul Aziz Al Sharifi, Director-General for Protective Security and Investigations

“Majid Khamis, a resident in Umm Al Quwain, informed the authorities that his brother Mohammad Khamis did not return to the UAE as originally scheduled. Mohammad had left for Nigeria on a two-day visit to conclude a business deal, but his family lost contact with him,” he said.
“The brother received a letter demanding five million dollars for the safe return of Mohammad and threatening to kill him if the authorities were notified,” Al Sharifi said.

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