
Mar 19, 2012

Deeper Life Bible Church Pastor Festus Agim, Dupes Church Member Of N1m

A pastor in the Apapa parish of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Mr. Festus Agim, has been arraigned for allegedly duping one of his church members, Mr. Chibuike Ikegwuonu of N1m.
Agim was charged before Agbomalu Magistrate’s Court, Ajegunle, Lagos, with three counts of felony, stealing and duping Ikegwuonu of the money under the guise of investing it in Forex trade.

According to the police, on September 29, 2008, Agim (45), conspired with one other, now at large, to obtain the money under false pretences.
“That you, Festus Agim, on the said date at Olodi Apapa, obtained the sum of N1m from Ikegwuonu on the pretence that you will invest same in Forex trade, a representation you knew to be false,” the charge sheet stated in part.
The offences were said to be punishable under sections 449, 312 (a) and 285 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State 2011.
Agim pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The accused was granted bail by Chief Magistrate E. Ogundare in the sum of N250,000 with two sureties in like sum.
Ogundare said the sureties must provide evidence of tax payment to the state government, affidavit of means and verifiable addresses.
The case was adjourned till April 27 for further hearing.

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