
Mar 18, 2012

Boko Haram-FG Talks Falter As Datti Ahmad Withdraws, Says Government “Not Serious”

The National President of Supreme Council for Sharia’ah in Nigeria (SCSN) Dr. Ibrahim Datti Ahmad and its secretary Barr. Nafiu Baba-Ahmed withdrew from facilitating talks between Boko Haram and Federal Government of Nigeria.

The Sharia’ah Council said the Federal Government is not “serious”, and not “committed” to the talks. A reliable source close to the duo of Ahmad and Baba-Ahmed told SaharaReporters in Abuja this evening.
According to the source the SCSN was not happy with the government’s non- commitment to the peace initiative.
They Sharia’ah Council, the source added lost faith when talk they had with a top government officials was leaked to Nigerian newspapers.
They were said to have also explained concern that the government failed to capitalize on the opportunity, similar to what it did to MEND during the confrontation with Nigerian military in the Niger Delta.

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