
Mar 23, 2012

Armed Robbers Storm Bank With Native Doctor In Ekpoma Bank

Security Forces makes way, as heavily armed robbers raids Ekpoma branch of Zenith and Uba banks. The Armed robbers according to eye witnesses included a young boy who according to them might be about 15 years old, they also claim that the armed robbers brought a magician ( popularly known as Native doctor along with them).
It was gathered that the armed robbers used sophisticated weapons during the attacked which lasted for 40 Mins, they used substances suspected to be dynamite to blow and crush the metal detector at zenith bank, several rounds of ammunition were ceaselessly  fired while the operation lasted. Ironically, a motorcyclist on seeing how the youngest member of the Gang ceaselessly fired in the air, approached to applaud him, the young armed robber however got it all wrong and fired at him. It was however gathered that he did not die instantly, as he was rushed to a nearby hospital after the operation. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Insecurity in Edo state is getting worrisome.
