
Feb 29, 2012

Nigerian Pastors Blast Oyakhilome On Masturbation Controversy

Pastors in Nigeria have lambasted the founder, Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome over his comment that masturbation is not a sin against God but a mere habit that God is not angry about.

Since the controversial pastor made the comment recently, angry reactions have been pouring in from Christendom over what they called heresy, being preached by the pastor, which negates the words of God.

Oyakhilome was asked by one of his pastors how one could overcome masturbation and he replied that “the reason you are thinking of stopping it (masturbation) is because you think it has become a habit for you… masturbation is not more than a habit than any other habit.

“So once you make up your mind that you want to break a particular habit, you just do it, you make up your mind… in fact the best way to break a habit is to replace it with another habit.

“There is one thing I would like to bring to your mind that may be of help to you because the reason you are thinking of stopping this is because of what you think it is.”

He added that “no matter how wrong you think this is in your mind, get this straight, in itself, it is not a sin against God,” emphasising that as a result of this belief that it is a sin, Satan used it to oppress people of God “making them feel ineffective an inefficient in the things of God.”

Reacting to Oyakhilome’s comment, the Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria, Dr. Ola Makinde said there was only one way of having sex permitted by God in the Bible, which is only through marriage.

“There is only one way of having sex in the Bible which is natural. Masturbation is unnatural and unethical. Whatever is unnatural and unethical is abomination. I leave him to his own opinion,” he said.

According to Pastor Tunde Bakare of the Latter Rain Assembly, every believer must be able to subject his body to control because it could lead to something else.

Popular Evangelist, Pastor Akin Fasawe said Masturbation is a sin as stipulated in the Bible, saying that death was even recommended in the Bible for those who practiced such things.

“Masturbation is a sin because when you masturbate, you will release. If the minister of God said masturbation is not a sin, he can easily tell his church that fornication is not a sin. The Bible recommends death in the Old Testament,” he stated.

According to Primate Elijah Ayodele of the INRI Evangelical Church, it is stated clearly in the Bible that masturbation is a sin against God.

“That is his own view. Where did he see it in the Bible that masturbation is not a sin? Maybe he has his own Bible. It is a bad thing. Maybe it is in his Bible,” he laughed.

Pastor Akin Akande of the Men of Purpose Ministry stated that masturbation is a sin.

“It is like abusing the gift of God. It is heresy. The Bible says it is a sin to derive pleasure outside the content of marriage,” he added.

Pastor Leke Akinola of the Upper Room Baptist, said self induced masturbation is a sin against God and that it is heresy for any minister of God to say it is not a sin.

According to Rev. Sam Ogedengbe, “masturbation is a sin and it is unbiblical. It is demonic and anyone engaging in it should know that it has spiritual connection.”

Several online readers of the Oyakhilome story published in the Friday edition of P.M.NEWS have criticised the controversial pastor for making such a comment.

One of the readers, Machie Sunie Chuks, asked: “how can you do it without your mind being there? Pastor please, call a spade a spade! Remember, your body is the temple of God, so keep it holy!Readers, please test which spirit is speaking through this famous pastor before you continue to bind yourselves with Satan’s yoke!”

Another reader who gave his name as Osa Jolly simply wrote: “masturbation is a sin…the Bible does not accommodate it in anyway.”

Nicholas Istifanus said his body is God’s temple and that he must keep it holy. Osinaku Benedict declared: “you will always be a slave to sin until you quit excusing your weaknesses claiming it is a habit or that you are helpless.

“As a child of God you are not helpless. A Christian hates sin while a sinner excuses and justifies it. Sir, please use your exalted office as a man of God to win lost souls back to Christ.”

Maigeri Joachim said: “Chris, stop plunging the world into confusion. The genital organ is made by God for a specific purpose. It is wrong to use it wrongly. The scripture says all wrong doing is sin. I ask you, is fornication a sin? Is it not a sin committed in agreement? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. I hope you are not a masturbator?”

Orsidy Bellowcy exclaimed: “God! I think Satan is taking over some men of God! How could Pastor Chris say that masturbation is not a sin?”

He added that since the human body is God’s temple, he is of the opinion that man should not indulge in any unholy things like masturbation “or are we now living in Sodom and Gomorrah of this age? Pastor, you are absolutely wrong!

“Please, you need to retract the speech you have made, because you are too far away from the truth if truly you have said it!”

A reader, who simply called himself David urged Pastor Chris to go back to Bible school “because, once you conceive it in your mind, you’ve done it.”

Pastor Victor Adimorah said: “although every man of God is being led by the spirit of God to bless us, when there is a problem within the man of God, we are expected to hear comments like the one made by the Pastor. Please pray for Pastor Oyakhilome. I believe he is undergoing a spiritual battle.”

Prince Coker declared: “If truly this man said this, I come clean, he is a Satanist. Get the book The Sin of Pride you will get to know what masturbation means.”

Elias while warning people not to challenge men of God said: “maybe God told him to deliver the message. I expect other men of God who have a contrary opinion to educate us because many men may opt for masturbation instead of sex, since there is danger in having sex now.”

Another reader, Kay asked: “does fantasy not proceed from the mind? If the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, is it not wrong to defile it? I like the man Pastor Chris but on this one, I disagree with him. This is not scriptural and it is morally wrong!”

Fola Dare says: “what is wrong is wrong! Masturbating is a bad habit. Our body is the temple of God.”

Bruce L. asked: “will Pastor Chris also tell us that pornography is also a habit and not a sin?Converted Christian who were in the occult world will tell you that it is a spiritual attack that Satan uses to destroy Christians as the semen goes to a semen bank.”

In her response, Susan Jones said: “masturbation, just like any other sexual immoralities, is wrong. It is just like a pastor, telling his followers that they could have intercourse with someone that they are not married to if they use condom. Semen is first and foremost for procreation, it is not to be wasted as it would normally happen when masturbating.”

Another reader, Wale, wondered: “Because masturbation is not in the Bible it’s not a sin? The Bible doesn’t talk about ganja (marijuana), cocaine and secret cult so they are not sin also?”

According to Zik Dave, “It is very bad that Pastor Chris is taking the gospel to another dimension. Before someone starts masturbation, he must feel like fornicating, which is a confirmed sin. Please my humble members in the vineyard, masturbation is a sin.”

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